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Material Girls in the Holidays

or: Why Eartha Kitt is sexier than Madonna & Betty Boop combined! ;) Originally posted December 2004 Credits: For Bob, who correctly insisted the singer makes a huge difference! -& George, who came up with the subtitle; — for Eartha Kitt, who first showed me sensuality and sexiness could coincide without degenerating into tawdriness; —…


Happy 232nd birthday, San Jose! :-) (1 of 2)

(written Sunday 29 November 2009) Just got back from visiting San José’s 232nd birthday party, which I found fascinating on a number of levels — but then I’m an anthropology major and working on a master’s in Women’s Spirituality, so what do you expect? :) There were a few small ironies or other marks of…

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One of my housemates is in a world mythology class. I was quite interested to hear this, since I love mythology, and I thought this might be an opportunity for me to increase the number of interests we have in common. I was rather shocked, therefore, to hear some of the on-line questions and discussions…

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The “Women, Religion, & Society” papers (IV of IV)

Originally written in the late ’90s regarding the reading list of a truly fascinating anthropology class. The papers are extremely light — basically just some quick review and discussion questions. I include them here mostly because the books were excellent and well worth reading for thoughtful perspectives on women’s roles in a variety of religions….

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The “Women, Religion, & Society” papers (III of IV)

Originally written in the late ’90s regarding the reading list of a truly fascinating anthropology class. The papers are extremely light — basically just some quick review and discussion questions. I include them here mostly because the books were excellent and well worth reading for thoughtful perspectives on women’s roles in a variety of religions….

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The “Women, Religion, & Society” papers (II of IV)

Originally written in the late ’90s regarding the reading list of a truly fascinating anthropology class. The papers are extremely light — basically just some quick review and discussion questions. I include them here mostly because the books were excellent and well worth reading for thoughtful perspectives on women’s roles in a variety of religions….

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The “Women, Religion, & Society” papers (I of IV)

Originally written in the late ’90s regarding the reading list of a truly fascinating anthropology class. The papers are extremely light — basically just some quick review and discussion questions. I include them here mostly because the books were excellent and well worth reading for thoughtful perspectives on women’s roles in a variety of religions….

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Ballet: Coppélia (the Girl with the Enamel Eyes)

(Note: this post was started last month, in mid-October) Just got back from the ballet tonight — Coppélia! It was such a delight. I haven’t been to the ballet in way too long, and this was absolutely marvelous. There were a few interesting things I noticed this time that I don’t recall seeing as a…

The Toasty Temptress Strikes!

I have wonderful housemates. Last night I was quite glum about something unpleasant I’d had to do, and one of my housemates knew about it. He arrived home from work with a bag of delicious Del Taco take-out, gleefully announcing as he walked in the door that the burrito fairy had arrived! When I finally…