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  1. Right. Received message!
    Enjoy your trip to the exhibition. I’d go as well if I could. Ancient cultures have always interested me. Please take your time to answer and post a comment on the mummies!

  2. Marta! Yes, I received your email safe and sound. I’m currently overwhelmed with catch-up schoolwork, and planning a weekend trip, but on this upcoming Monday I intend to take the time to answer your e-mail thoughtfully and completely. It’s such a thrill to hear from you, though — thank you for your lovely comment here, too. Cheers!

  3. Hi, Blythe! I sent you an e-mail some days ago. I hope you got it.
    I totally agree with you with what you say in the last paragraph of “These are the days!”. I have managed to learn how to identify the truly happy moments and let them stay inside me for long. Not easy, though, when things get tought!

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