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Book Review: “A Circle of Quiet” by Madeleine L’Engle (pt. 3)

(originally published 15 November 2004)  Still, like L’Engle, I hope we all continue learning throughout our journey of life… and I hope I have a long journey yet to go. I too want to constantly and happily relearn the importance and wonder of touch, of exploration and closeness with those you love. I love her…

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Book Review: “A Circle of Quiet” by Madeleine L’Engle (pt. 2)

(originally published 15 November 2004)  The nature of creation & Self On the other hand, I did admire the courage of someone willing to continue doggedly to write, even when she sold nothing whatsoever for an entire decade. I don’t know if I’d have that kind of determination. Also, some of her speculations on the…

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Book Review: “A Circle of Quiet” by Madeleine L’Engle (pt. 1)

(originally published 15 November 2004) I came to this book with great expectations. Perhaps if I’d not loved A Wrinkle in Time so much, or hadn’t been informed this book was a fabulous exploration of the wisdom of the maturing woman, I wouldn’t have felt quite so much vague disappointment later. Unfortunately, I did; I…

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Holiday joy and greetings to all! :)

It’s three days after Solstice and Christmas Eve and well after Hannukah… and I have a ton of things to be thankful for. First and foremost for me: I have officially advanced to candidacy! In case I didn’t make it clear just how unutterably happy & relieved that makes me: …yeah, THAT excited. :) So,…

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Dissertation blues in a majorly cheerful key, pt. 3

Last three titles of my ten most influential books and articles which helped shape my thinking regarding feminism and the human community — woo! Got it posted at a reasonable hour, too! :)   8) Iroquoian Women: The Gantowisas by Barbara Alice Mann I loved this book! It’s so refreshing to read excellent research that…

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Dissertation blues in a majorly cheerful key, pt. 1

Woohoooo! Current scoreboard in the Collie’s advancement to dissertation candidacy game: HRRC approval (as in: the ethics committee): a decision is promised to me by the end of the month at latest, and… Dissertation committee approval: three out of three — DONE!! :-D I’m getting very excited about this — it’s so wonderful to see…

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Gleeful news! :-D

Whew! Got my definition for indigenous hammered out adequately, I think — thank heavens! It’s been a pretty good couple of days so far, in fact, which makes me very happy. There’ve been a few really nice or fun things that’ve left me pretty pleased with how life is going. Admittedly, I wish I could…

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Finding the source of dis-ease

Butter chicken for dinner tonight — yum! It’s in the crockpot and starting to make the house smell delicious. Combined with the fact that it’s summer and my proposal deadlines are all stalled until my adviser returns from her (well-deserved) vacation, that means I find myself with a bit of writing time on my hands,…

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Bon courage, Women’s Spirituality of ITP

I am very sad to report that the Women’s Spirituality program at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology is being closed down. Apparently shortly after I graduated, the much-beloved president died, though this was not a surprise. A new president was selected, apparently without enough searching into his background… because — and here I condense and…