Arcosanti photos
More Arcosanti photos; click on the thumbnails for a larger, clearer version of each photo. Also, you can read my thoughts on Arcosanti here, for more background, and see more photos at the end of that article. Enjoy! :)
More Arcosanti photos; click on the thumbnails for a larger, clearer version of each photo. Also, you can read my thoughts on Arcosanti here, for more background, and see more photos at the end of that article. Enjoy! :)
I think best when writing. I am, therefore, considering methodologies for writing future papers, and simultaneously doing a quick review of them. This should aid me in both improving my vocabulary (as in much use of unfamiliar terms will assist me in becoming more comfortable with them), and in familiarizing myself with the various methodologies….
It is fascinating to note the very same women who courageously and tirelessly worked side by side with men to bring their nation into existence are the ones who are now being, in a very real sense, colonized by the system now in power. In this particular case a fundamentalist perspective seems to be conflated…
The decisive (and very silly) reason I decided to see “Suckerpunch” was due to the emailed comment by one of the members of the book-club I’m part of: “It has orcs! and zeppelins!” …and I amusedly thought: ‘If that’s not a ringing endorsement for a movie, I don’t know what is!’ So, going to see…
I have wonderful housemates. Last night I was quite glum about something unpleasant I’d had to do, and one of my housemates knew about it. He arrived home from work with a bag of delicious Del Taco take-out, gleefully announcing as he walked in the door that the burrito fairy had arrived! When I finally…
Understanding ourselves For completeness, let’s look at a dictionary definition for spirituality as well. Doing so helped clarify religiosity; let’s see if it helps here too: Spirituality: concern with things of the spirit, which is defined as: a fundamental emotional and activating principle determining one’s character; any incorporeal supernatural being that can become visible (or…
(repeating from yesterday…) Both historically and in the modern day, patriarchy stunts and diminishes both women and men, and will continue to do so until that time when women are once again regarded as both human, and an integral part of history and civilization. This is not to say, of course, that women had no…
My high school in Plano, TX was of a similar vintage. It, at least, was of a softer brownish-tan colored stone, with a nubbly texture. However, my father laughingly referred to it once as a prison as well, and not without reason, since it also had that look.
I think the amphitheatre is usually used during the twilight and evening, though I could be wrong. There were some beautiful and dramatic photos, frex, of it in use with fire and lights to accentuate the performances.
Re the photo choices: thanks! I was quite ruthless in picking only what came out all right and wasn’t too repetitive. My camera, while excellent, did occasionally have trouble with me being such a newbie, after all. Also, I was more than once shooting effectively blind, due to the enormous amount of sun reflection. :)
I love the use of the curves; it really does help soften the look of the hard concrete. In Seattle, North Seattle Community College is a big concrete building of about the same vintage. It’s a giant, flat box. It’s ugly, and often called “North Seattle Community Prison” because it looks so bleak and grey. It’s a practical, effective, modular, expandable building… but it has no life, and no sense of style at all.
The amphitheater looks hot. Needs shade.
Of course they’re careful pouring molten metal; people die if you’re not. There’s an enormous amount of energy there, and if it gets wet or cold it can explode everywhere.
Good photo choices!