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Proposal passed by my committee chair!

Eeeeeeee! I am SO pleased — just got the email from my dissertation committee chair that she’s passing my dissertation proposal on as acceptable! Now I can send it on to my other two committee members — and soon: ONwards to dissertation researching and writing! :-D Also extremely exciting is what the Chair wrote in…

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Gleeful news! :-D

Whew! Got my definition for indigenous hammered out adequately, I think — thank heavens! It’s been a pretty good couple of days so far, in fact, which makes me very happy. There’ve been a few really nice or fun things that’ve left me pretty pleased with how life is going. Admittedly, I wish I could…

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Finding the source of dis-ease

Butter chicken for dinner tonight — yum! It’s in the crockpot and starting to make the house smell delicious. Combined with the fact that it’s summer and my proposal deadlines are all stalled until my adviser returns from her (well-deserved) vacation, that means I find myself with a bit of writing time on my hands,…

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The signs & results of property ownership

Our old apple tree has a few blossoms on it! They look like lovely pinkish froth, almost, despite there being only a handful of them. I hope next year the tree has more blossoms — I remember the apple trees we had in Texas nearly exploded with blossoms each year. To my knowledge we’ve also…

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Shut up and blog with me! ;)

This is just going to be various fun/silly things in my life currently — sometimes I need to simply not think about dissertation stuff. So! For a celebratory late Valentine’s with friends, I decided we should have the traditional Valentine’s Day pizza — because Hawaiian pizza is totes what St. Valentine celebrated with, amiright? Also,…

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Woman in the Shaman’s Body

The apparently overwhelmingly powerful need to control women which some men appear to have is painfully expressed yet again in a form which is recorded by anthropology professor Barbara Tedlock’s research for her 2005 book Woman in the Shaman’s Body: Reclaiming the Feminine in Religion & Medicine. Granddaughter of an Ojibwe midwife and herbalist, and…

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Exploring power with rather than power over

In the same year as Ely & Meyerson’s amazing article regarding the malleability of masculinity, Euro-American columnist Nicholas D. Kristof and Asian-American lecturer and business executive Sheryl WuDunn — both also married, journalists, and Pulitzer Prize winners — publish Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide. In a sweeping, journalistic writing style…

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Meatbaaallz! ;)

I figure this posting works well here, right after yesterday’s blog posting on masculinity! :) So, I think I’ve taken the next step or so in learning cooking: I’ve started checking for what meat is on sale, then selecting recipes that take advantage of that… and I actually cribbed together two separate recipes to come…