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  1. Querido Cristian: Pido disculpas, pero ha sido desde hace muchos años ya que he vivido en España, asi que mi español no es muy bueno ahora. Quería darle las gracias por su enlace web tipo a mi página web acerca de los fascinantes momias de Tarim! Tambien he leído su artículo – aunque muy lentamente y con un diccionario en la mano – y me pareció muy interesante. ¿Qué le hizo decidirse a estudiar el diseño de los biberones? Gracias de nuevo, y los mejores deseos para ti!

  2. Wonderful article, Collie. Your excitement really comes through.

    …almost choked up as I stare down in awe at the actual body of this infant, or this woman…

    The advertising for these kinds of museum exhibits seems to focus on the grand sweep of things to get the attention of the general populace. I’m always much more focused on the image in my head of the people who crafted these materials or used them day to day. The baby you described may be the symbol of some long-gone and inscrutable culture but she was also exactly like the children you see every day. I think exhibits like this, the books you mention, and your writing help remind us that these people weren’t so very different from us, and we’re not so different from them, either. Not so very different at all.

    So many questions, such an intriguing mystery; I want to know, and I don’t know how to find out.

    Well, unless you have a time machine you’re not telling me about (or have told me about not yet soon) you’ll just have to work your experiences and insight into your fiction. :)

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