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What we call home

We have moved! So much stuff happening; so many errands on my metaphorical plate! The photos are from before we moved in. Currently we’re still living in box-ageddon, though we’re making progress on changing that. It’s surprisingly satisfying to have a place you call home that’s yours — I’d not realized just how much. True,…

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Thoughts on V. Shiva’s “Staying Alive”

I’m reading Vandana Shiva’s Staying Alive: Women, Ecology, & Development for an on-line class on Ecofeminism which I’m TAing. The following are two comments made on the class forum at different times. While reading both the book and the forum comments, I was reminded of a study I read about many years ago (which means…

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The unexamined dissertation: not worth writing?

As some who read my blog may know already, I’m currently struggling with the process of writing my dissertation proposal. Despite writing being one of the things I do best and most easily, and for various reasons that aren’t important right now, I’ve had some nervous procrastination issues with writing this proposal. Thus my adviser…

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Poetry is Not A Luxury & Mighty Be Our Powers

Closely examining our matrifocal past and present offers a solid basis from which to theorize a possible healthier future — one not damagingly based in androcentrism. Such a future will not come about on its own, of course; if women are to regain their rightful positions as cultural creators and leaders then they will have…

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Fascinatingly more on matrifocal societies

Both Sanday (reviewed by me here and here) and Du are anthropologically trained ethnographers researching indigenous societies. As previously noted, their work offers explicit epistemological modifications of great benefit for a more humane, feminized science. This is not the only valid methodology available, however, to a women’s spirituality scholar, as is demonstrated by the next…

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Refusing Standard Masculinities

The following was part of a subsection in my comps essay which was titled “Theorizing Patriarchy Past & Present,” which performed said theorizing via a variety of epistemologies. I reviewed the hypothesized roots of patriarchy, surveyed the broad cultural expression of its impact on women of antiquity as well as more recent history, researched its…

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A History for Women and a Feminism for Everyone

…and now back to my comps essay book reviews! :) A more sweeping view of women throughout history, including both their loss of power and their struggle to both resist and reclaim it within the kyriarchy, is brilliantly demonstrated by English journalist, broadcaster, and social critic Rosalind Miles’ book Who Cooked the Last Supper? The…

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The culinary Hallowe’en extravaganza! pt. 2

The next elements of the Halloween dinner that we’ll review are the poison apple dip, and zombie guts! The guts are startlingly easy — I saw a photo on-line of something that was captioned as “Halloween herb-bread guts.” The bread in the original photo is on waxed paper and looks almost more glazed, like a…